About Doguet's Rice Milling Company
Doguet's Rice Farms use IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Certified guidelines for all rice that goes into our brand name products. Strict guidelines are followed including sweep netting for insect control, when thresholds are exceeded pesticides are applied. Doguet's goal is to produce as high a quality product as possible without adversely effecting the environment.
Annual domestic rice consumption has increased considerably over the past 30 years from 5 pounds up to 25 pounds per person thanks to a more health-conscious public. 40% of U.S. rice production is exported to 100+ countries, while 60% is used domestically.
Rice is grown in only a few American states and in just a few Texas counties. Many agree that the climate, environment and overall conditions along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast produce the best quality rice grown anywhere in the world.
Doguet's also uses state-of-the-art laser leveling to create fields that are precision leveled to maximize yields with the least amount of water. Realizing that water would become a very precious commodity in the future, the Doguet family became environmentally pro-active years ago.
The family farms also help feed millions of migratory birds each year. Birds live off the rice and stubble left in the fields during the winter months.
Doguet's Rice is very fortunate to have as its neighbor the renown Texas A&M Agriculture Research and Extension Center. Its invaluable expertise and assistance help Doguet's Rice Milling Company consistently produce the finest, best quality rice products with the most modern, efficient methods and to work as a responsible steward and advocate of the environment.